April 10, 2018

Answered: Is there a Birthright trip for my college?

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Many trip providers offer campus-specific trips — check out the list below to see if your school currently has a trip planned. Hillel, a campus-based organization, is the trip organizer for many of these, but other trip organizers have offerings as well, including great options from Israel Outdoors for the adventurous and Shorashim for those who value extra time and involvement from Israelis on the trip.

Campus trips are great because you already know that the other participants are a lot like you — they chose the same place to go to college and want to travel on Birthright to Israel! You can coordinate with friends to travel with some people you know, expect smooth logistics since everyone is leaving from the same spot with the same break schedule, and easily background the trip with upperclass students who went with the same organizer in past years. Also great is the chance to meet students going on the trip before to start to get to know each other, and if you hit it off, you’ll have plenty of time on campus to hang out after the trip. Do take note that some trips are designed for a region or multiple schools, so you might end up with a group that is from other campuses besides your own. And if you’re campus doesn’t offer a specific trip, do not fear: There are almost 600 trips available right now, and one is definitely a good fit.

Definitely be sure to check out the ultimate guide to Birthright Israel trips before 100% committing to a trip from your campus. Even with those great advantages, you’re dramatically limiting the number of trips available to you, and maybe missing out on something else that would be perfect for you. Plus, your Birthright trip is a great opportunity to make new friends, beyond those from your school, and build friendships that span the globe! And even if other travelers don’t go to your school, they’re also choosing to go to Israel, so you’ll be in like company with the advantage of meeting people with similar interests on specialized trips and expanding your horizons with diverse travel companies on all itineraries!


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