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Answered: Is my Birthright trip canceled because of COVID-19 coronavirus?

by on March 13, 2020 0
🚨 All Birthright Israel trips are canceled or postponed 🚨 For the most accurate and up-to-date news, please refer to official government sites (in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html, in Israel: https://govextra.gov.il/ministry-of-health/corona/corona-virus-en/) and frequently updated media. BirthrightGuru information is limited to providing information on the impact to Birthright Israel trips related to the coronavirus. Visit the Birthright Read More

Birthright, sexual assault, and #metoo

by on June 20, 2018 0
The magnifying glass of the #metoo movement looked in on Birthright Israel trips and uncovered troubling behavior on the trips. In a long story with multiple personal accounts, Jewish Currents took a look at the “often-fraught sexual and gender dynamics on the famous free trip to Israel,” and their reporting paints Birthright Israel, trip organizers, Read More

Birthright Israel Co-founder and Major Donor Michael Steinhardt Gave the Finger to anti-Birthright Protestors

by on May 18, 2018 0
Birthright Israel recently set a new fundraising record of $125 million at their annual gala, raising money from over 650 people. At the same time, a group of protestors shared their anti-Birthright message outside of the venue. Their target was specifically one of the donors at the gala and one of the original founders of Read More